Sunday, August 1, 2010

Debate and Producing Media Camp

Debate and Producing Media Camp was held from 4-17 July, 2010 at Baa Klang Doi Resort and Spar in Chaing Mai, Thailand which participated by 42 youths from different 9 countries in South East Asia. There are several topic they train all participates such as video project, debate technique , writing with policy to be a journalist , speaking public policy so to enable participants to catch up the substances as well enable environment for active participation of participants in any class works including small group discussion, plenary discuss and so on. Participants were spitted in to 4 main groups within 10-11 people per group in different classes. For video producing session, participants in each main group were asked to work in small groups within 4-6 people per group to practice producing a 4mintue video project. These points, I would like to highlight my successful during the time. I was one of the six members of a group namely “Boom” to produce Video Clip on “South East Asia Youth Using Media to Create Awareness”. Our video clip aims to highlight some practical experience of different youth in the camp using media to create awareness.
There were 3 youth participant have been interviewed as follow:
1. Ms. Putri, a high school student in Indonesia, during her high school she has also joined with organization for Youth and Anti-Drug as a volunteer. Her organization used game, drama, and puppets educate kids and high school students on how bad of taking drug and smoking. The positive response from the kids including they are more likely to come to school and enjoy watching drama, also teach are positively cooperate.
2. Mr. Seiha, a Monitoring Assistant with Committee for Fair and Free Elections in Cambodia, his organization used a radio call in program, educational video clips, and printed materials to increase participation of people especially youth in Election. He observed that the number of people increasingly participate in the elections. The main challenge faced by the project is collaboration of authorities, since sometimes they did not allow implementing the project or we have to ask for permission from all levels of authority including commune, district, province and sometimes Ministry of Interior.
3. Mr. Bouathip Song Sopha, an Information Technology Officer with Vieng Chan Youth Center funded by UNFPA based in Laos, his organization used posters, radio program, and inputting to national TV program educate target audience on Adolescence Sexuality Reproductive Health, Feed backs from the target audiences especially youth are more interested and get more understand due the time being.
At the end of the camp, my team video clip was selected to get award for the meaning.
To sum up with what I have learned in the camp, I have built the network in a group of youth in difference country. I get the concept and some common for writing information in web, blog, or newspaper, the technique to debate as a team, produce our video without using expensive utilities applying into my team as well spreading this experience to where I am in.


Youth Media Camp 2010

YIT Friend